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Thomas Smugala
3 min read
Motivational Monday-Power Napping
Welcome to Motivational Monday! Between notes from the editor, advise from 573 friends, and the treasure trove of 573 Magazine's...
Thomas Smugala
7 min read
a 573 Person of the Year
Every time we publish our 573 Person of the Year issue, we get hundreds of emails inquiring how and why we chose the person. Here is how...
Thomas Smugala
3 min read
I Don't Care 2022
I don't care if you are white, red, black, yellow, green, or any other color on the color wheel. I don't care if you are gay, straight,...
Thomas Smugala
3 min read
75 Years of Holiday Chairs
You may think you are a wiz in the kitchen and you're ready to open the next successful eatery, but the (smash you in the mouth) truth is...
6 min read
Indigenous Foods and Medicine with Friends!
As promised, last week 573 Magazine took a little country drive out to Peaceful Bend Winery in Steelville, Missouri. We met up with our...
3 min read
Ozark Harvest
Thanksgiving is only a week away and you know what that means...tis the season to start baking! Tomorrow 573 Magazine will journey to...
3 min read
Fall Fashion Fun!
Autumn has finally peaked and the rolling hills of the 573 have been popping with bright bursts of delicious fall colors! Rich purples,...
Thomas Smugala
10 min read
Beerly Optimistic
Winston Churchill once said, "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."...
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