Silver screen dreams has been one of the most popular fantasies among young people around the world ever since the very first moving picture jumpstarted the imagination of an entire generation of artists, actors, and film makers alike. For decades hopeful young dreamers have left their families, their jobs, even their countries to travel out to sunny California in search of glory and the rarest of rare...the paid gig.

Many have lost everything in their pursuit of following the stars. And even more never even tried. With the promised land being so very far away, it's a risk that most aren't willing to take, and about 90% of those that have in the past, have ended up regretting it.

SO what do we do? Just give up? Take a job at the local grocery store and just day dream about what could have been? NOT TODAY!

Modern technological advances and the streamlining of group and mass communication have given today's dreamers exactly the tools they need to create films literally anywhere. At long last Independent Films now have the opportunity to reach an audience through many of the same platforms used by big Hollywood. For the first time in Film History, we have a level playing field giving Independent Filmmakers their time to shine.

Motion Dog Films, a local Independent Film Company located right here in the 573, has been taking full advantage of the opportunities offered by modern tech.

Following the worldwide distribution of their comedy, Interviewing Monsters & Bigfoot, featuring Tom Green and the late great Jessi Combs, Motion Dog jumped right into production on their next project, a feature-length thriller named 2 Heads. With more than 97% of their cast and crew found locally in the 573 area, Motion Dog is working hard to make dreams come true right here at home.
"So much fun!! I have always dreamed of being in the movies, being on the film set and seeing how it all goes down! ...It was great working with the director, Tom Smugala. Not just with me, but seeing him working with everyone on the crew, whether they were new to production or not. He had a lot to offer." - Jessi Combs, on the set of Interviewing Monsters & Bigfoot

"Oh, the Lexi Street music video was so much fun! There was water everywhere and I got to splash in all the puddles. I’ve never done anything like it, so it was really a new experience for me, and Motion Dog Films was very helpful leading me through. It was lots of fun, and I think it turned out pretty well." - Sienna, local 15-year old musician, singer & actor, 2 Heads
"It’s definitely been fun playing the lead in a thriller! It’s kind of hard sometimes, because I’ve never done a movie before, but I’d say it’s been a really great experience and it's been really fun getting to hang out with the directors and stuff!" - Ava, 2 Heads, local 11-year old lead actor
"This is my first experience with an indie film, so I wasn't sure what to expect. It was amazing to see a large group of people come together and lend their talents toward achieving one goal. To the entire crew, my hats off to you! By far, one of the most exciting times one could have on a film set." - Jeff, local actor & artist, Interviewing Monsters & Bigfoot, 2 Heads
Currently wrapping 2 Heads, Motion Dog Films is once again ready to jump right into their next adventure! The Spring, a feature-length supernatural thriller of epic proportions will be starting local production in Summer, 2022.
Casting has already begun, and Motion Dog is once again on the move looking for local talented actors dreaming of their chance to grace the silver screen.
So how do you make this dream a reality?
Don't miss your chance to live your dream! Join us on Sunday, November 28th 2021 at Mary Jane Burgers & Brew in Downtown Perryville. Casting call begins at 2 PM and will go until 4 PM.

Until then 573, be happy, be healthy, be well!