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Clear. Cool. Water.

Living in a small town, taking all the beautiful things around us for granted is easy. Like everyone else on the planet, sometimes I catch myself only seeing the negative in things—yikes! I change my stinking thinking by thinking about the beautiful water all around me, water with no smell. I am so fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful parts of the country, and I love it. While there are not as many concerts or art galleries to visit here, there are clear blue skies, crystal clear streams, nice and caring people, beautiful forests and trails, and wildlife. Spring-fed streams are one of my faves. I mean, we are literally a little more than an hour away from all the good things a big city can offer and a zillion miles away from all the bad things in a big city.

Alley Spring sky reflected in cool clear water
So many people are just plain unaware of these natural playgrounds that are rampant in Southeast Missouri—Alley Spring.

All the wonderful parks and rivers that surround us—the 573 is a postcard world. The 573 is one of the most beautiful parts of the country, especially when it comes to the awesome, crystal-clear, spring-fed water rushing all around us. Places like Pink Rock, Sam A. Baker, Johnson Shut-Ins, the Current River, Jacks Fork River, and countless others—all hosting cool spring-fed water waiting for you to play in on a hot summer's day.

Izzy Foster playing in clear water
What's not to love about cool, clear water? Pink Rock.
Izzy Foster playing on intertube in clear water with big rocks surrounding
The river bottom is all rock—you can't even stir up the water. Our clear, spring fed water has no smell!

The 573 Spring poem.
Big Spring in Southeast Missouri
Big Spring. The name says it all.

Big Spring is big. I had no idea that we had anything this fantastic in the state. The amount of water that gushes up from its depths is mind-boggling, and the staggering roar of the water is incredible. The closer you get to this big treasure, the more fantastic it is.

Big Spring is the largest spring in Missouri, and it's thought to be the biggest in North America. It pumps out some 276 million gallons of cool spring water each day at a cool 58 degrees Fahrenheit. It creates a river that then flows into the Current River.

Couple snorkeling at Sam A Baker State Park

Snorkel at Sam A Baker State Park. How is it possible to have so many massive clear water springs all free to visit? Missouri knows how to give the best to it's residents.

Underwater couple holding hands and walking in cool water

Pink Rock has multiple natural water slides from the slippery rocks that have been smoothed over the centuries by the rushing water.

Alley Spring is the seventh largest spring in Missouri. It is said to be 155 feet deep, with veins reaching more than 3000 feet below. Just outside the natural area is Alley Spring Gristmill, built in 1894. Today, it houses a small history museum. The cool waters flow from Alley Spring for a half-mile before entering the Jacks Fork River. A nicely paved walk encircles this incredibly beautiful spring.

Alley Spring Mill at Jacks Fork River
The cool waters flow from Alley Spring for a half-mile before entering the Jacks Fork River.

The sounds of insects and birds chirping, combined with the noise of rushing water, are better than any sound a concert could produce. Jumping off a rock or rope swing into a lake makes my stomach flip just as much as going on a rollercoaster. Looking down and seeing the little freshwater fish swim around my feet makes me realize how enjoyable being out in the water is and how lucky I truly am.

Blue Spring in Southeast Missouri
Blue Spring is worth the visit, but no swimming.

"In Missouri's heart, clear waters flow,

From springs that breathe life in a gentle glow.

Crystal streams whisper through valleys and hills,

Their melodies cut echoes in nature's still.

Glistening ripples dance in sunlight's grace

Reflecting the skies in a tranquil embrace.

Cool, pure waters from ancient earth springs,

Nurturing life with the gifts that they bring.

The 5 7 3, where nature gleams,

Springs feed the rivers, fulfilling your dreams."

Veterans Memorial Wall in Perryville Missouri


Most people's favorite swimming hole. Lots of activity. Clearwater, float trips, and lots of partying. The Black River below Lesterville runs about 14.3 miles to Reynolds County Highway K bridge east of Redford and north of Clearwater Lake.


Killer swimming. High bluffs and clear water. Plenty of privacy. Hwy 67 just north of Bonne Terre.


Unspoiled natural landscape. Crystal clear and cool waters of the St. Francois River and Big Creek. One of our favorites. It’s all there. You can get inner tubes at the Park Store. And it’s a great place to try snorkeling.

Whitewater Creek in Fredericktown Missouri


From Fredericktown, take 72 towards Jackson, turn left on 51, turn right on KK, and right on 200. There are 2 bridges over White Water Creek in that area, and it's a great place for first-time river kayakers to "cut their teeth." Have fun!

Whitewater Creek in Fredericktown Missouri

The Shut-Ins are back. NatNature'sterpark. One of the best. Located off Hwy 21 near Ironton.


There are two large lakes, one with a sand beach. The water is clean and cool. It’s a state park, so you have to follow the rules.

Hoods Discount Home Center in Farmington MO

Located in the Amidon Memorial Conservation Area at Castor River Shut-Ins. Super cool place among the large pink granite stones. Fredericktown.


A beautiful, ice-cold blue plunge, Ally Spring, flows into Jack's Fork near Eminence. With camping sites nearby and a place to rent tubes and kayaks for float trips, this is a great place to spend a few days out on the river!

Cape Girardeau Missouri Bridge over the Mississippi River
The 573 Magazine does not advise anyone to swim without a lifeguard on hand. Be careful my friends.


Take a dip at the 54,000-square-foot Chapel Hill Beach. A concession stand and play area are available. Located on Rte. DD in Belgrade.


Located near Centerville on the Black River. The natural gravel beach is perfect for wading and swimming.


Hailed as one of OzaOzark'sst-kept secrets, Rocky Falls clear water streams down 40 feet of rock to a natural pool perfect for swimming. Highway NN, nine miles southeast of Eminence.


Go to Jack's Fork River and jump into crystal clear water. Northeast of Mountain View, Missouri, Hwy 60 to OO Hwy.

Blue Springs crystal clear water for swimming


Swim in the old mill pool at Marble Creek within the St. Francis Mountains. Located in Arcadia Valley, south on 21, then east on Hwy E.


This clear-water spring emerges from a cave opening at JacJack'srk on the Current River.

Missouri State Parks

While we might not be as appreciative as we should be about living in the 573, you will be very pleased if you stop to look around.

SO GET OUT THERE! Hike something. Swim somewhere. Eat. Camp. Do something. Do anything, times a wasting.

words -n- pics Supreme Leader Smugala

First State Community Bank in Ste. Genevieve and Farmington Missouri
Fisher Furniture and appliance in Ironton Missouri

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