Legend has it that around 850 CE, a goat herder ate some berries that his goats were feeding on and experienced a sense of exhilaration, starting the caffeine craze. At some point, perhaps in the 15th century, Middle Eastern monks began brewing coffee beans as a beverage to keep them up to worship through the night. Coffee! Something that brings people together, makes cold nights warmer, and keeps a college sleep-deprived girl going—did I say I love coffee?

My name is Lakyn Douglas and I am a new writer at 573 Magazine. I gotta tell you about the No. 9 Coffee Shop in Park Hills and the effect it's had on my life. It screams bright and fun from the outside with No. 9 Coffee Co. stamped on the side.

From the fresh muffins to the comfy sofa to the free internet to the board games—they want you to feel at home.
The inside is just as colorful and fun! When you hit the door, the smell drives your taste buds wild, and your stress level hits the floor—a safe space for coffee lovers. Step up to the counter, and the baristas are beyond helpful. All the seasonal drink specials are detailed in cute drawings on a chalkboard near the register—so tempting.

Another seasonal drink that’ll blow your socks off is the Autumn Harvest. Apple, caramel, and spiced brown sugar.

The Mocha latte.
Today, while visiting No. 9 for this story, I tried my very first green tea, and it definitely will not be my last. My favorite drink had to be the Blackberry Bramble. Blended with blackberries, spiced maple, butter pecans, and whipped cream—this drink had me smiling in two seconds flat.

Their Cloud 9 packed a delicious flavor of coconut milk, blue raspberry, and blueberry popping pearls.
No. 9 Coffee Co. isn't just about coffee or smoothies, either. The owner, Jamie Luster, and staff have hospitality in their hearts. From the fresh muffins to the comfy sofa to the free internet to the board games—they want you to feel at home.

If something a little more basic is your style they had a great freshly brewed hot cup of joe as well with a soft crumbling pumpkin muffin!

Elderberry Crisp is beyond refreshing with a mixture of an immunity boost, watermelon, lemon, and green tea.

The Blackberry Bramble. Blended with blackberries, spiced maple, and butter pecans and topped with whip cream.

I grew up in Ironton and moved to Park Hills in 2020 to attend Mineral Area College. Like all college kids, I had lots of homework and worked many late hours to pay for it all. Fortunately for me, there was a great coffee shop close by—No. 9 Coffee—a spot to knock out my homework. I owe some of my appreciation to No. 9 for all the hours spent, and coffees drank while tucked into the corner working away.

Ever since I was little, I loved to read anything I could get my hands on and write all the time.

The delicious whip topping!
After graduating in 2022, I moved to Springfield, where I majored in English literature with a minor in creative writing at Missouri State University. Ever since I was little, I loved to read anything I could get my hands on and write all the time. Sometimes, my words would turn into a vivid movie in my head. Shortly after graduating in May 2024, I moved back to the 573 and currently live in Farmington with my boyfriend and dog.

I owe some of my appreciation to No. 9 for all the hours spent, and coffees drank while tucked into the corner working away.

When I discovered that one of my first assignments would be No. 9 Coffee Co., I felt I'd come full circle.
I knew I wanted to continue creative writing, so I chose to work with Team 573 Magazine. When I was younger, I remember reading the new stories when they came out. I loved how they showcased people and places I hadn't seen or heard of before but were so close to me. When I discovered that one of my first assignments would be No. 9 Coffee Co., I felt I'd come full circle. All the great memories came flashing back of me sitting in that cozy coffee shop—walking in again after graduating and furthering my writing journey made me feel warm inside. I am so happy to work with Tom and Denelle Smugala at 573 Magazine on this new life's journey. I'm so excited about meeting many new people in the 573 and writing about what I love. Right on!
There you have it. GET OUT THERE! Do something. Drink something. Go grind some beans. Go plant a coffee bush. Open a cool coffee shop. What one person can do, another person can. Do something. Do anything. GET OUT THERE!
words by Lakyn Douglas
pics & video by Supreme Leader of 573 Magazine.

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