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Motivational Monday-Power Napping

Welcome to Motivational Monday! Between notes from the editor, advise from 573 friends, and the treasure trove of 573 Magazine's Hardcopy Archives, we've got words of wisdom for weeks. You're sure to find something here you can use to help you get up and Get Out There!

Today we found an excellent health and wellness related article that I'm sure you'll love deep within the 573 Hardcopy Archives Vault. Written in January 2013 by our highly distinguished editor, 573 Magazine presents: Power Napping.

An afternoon 20-minute power nap can provide a fresh burst of new ideas and energy.  Naps can eliminate the need for caffeine jolts and provide a reserve of energy for after-work activity…a good alternative to falling asleep on the couch watching TV.  Research has also found that napping regularly may reduce stress and even decrease the risk of heart disease.

"You can get incredible benefits from 15 to 20 minutes of napping,"

“Daytime naps can be one way to treat sleep deprivation,” says Cristine Herrington RN, MSN, FNP-BC, at Ste. Genevieve County Memorial Hospital.  "You can get incredible benefits from 15 to 20 minutes of napping," she says. "You reset the system and get a burst of alertness and increased motor performance. That's what most people really need to stave off sleepiness and get an energy boost."  

"I think the concept of napping is wonderful!  However, the body releases chemicals while we are in deep sleep that boosts our immune system. The National Institute of Health reports studies that sleep and the circadian system exert strong influence on the immune system. That being said, if you are frequently short of sleep, despite the brain needing rest, it has been found we may get ill easier.  So make sure you get a proper amount of deep sleep."

30% of the US work force is allowed to nap at work, and some employers even provide a place for employees to nap.

But, what if you are at work in the afternoons?  A survey by the National Sleep Foundation found that about 30% of the US work force is allowed to nap at work, and some employers even provide a place for employees to nap.  If your place of employment isn't nap-friendly, you can take a power up in your car.  (A word of caution: always turn off the car and put on the emergency brake.  Park in a well-lit area with plenty of people around and lock all of your doors.)

To get the most out of your power nap: Be consistent. Keep a regular nap schedule. Prime napping time falls in the middle of the day, between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

Taking 200mg of caffeine right before a 20-minute nap will not only improve your performance, but it will also lessen how sleepy you feel once you wake up.

Some doctors say to have caffeine right before you power nap.  This may sound counter-intuitive since caffeine is a stimulant, but the effects don't kick in immediately.  Taking 200mg of caffeine right before a 20-minute nap will not only improve your performance, but it will also lessen how sleepy you feel once you wake up.  Skip the caffeine if it's late in the afternoon—you’ll have a hard time falling asleep later.

Even if you can't sleep, close your eyes and meditate.  You might not be used to napping, but if you incorporate short bouts of sleep into a daily routine (taking a nap every day after lunch, for example) you can "train" your body to expect a nap during that time.  Soon, you'll have an easier time falling asleep.

Sleeping for any longer than 20 minutes can lead to sleep inertia which makes you feel sluggish...

Get up as soon as you get 20 minutes of sleep no matter what.  You may want to set your cell phone alarm.  Sleeping for any longer than 20 minutes will be counter-productive.  It can lead to sleep inertia which makes you feel sluggish and more tired than ever.

Follow your power nap up with a little physical activity.  You can increase your pulse rate with a few jumping jacks, push-ups, or a little bit of jogging in place.

Washing your face after your power nap can help you feel more awake and get you back to work.

What are you waiting for? Take a nap!

What keeps you motivated? Tell 573 what you do to keep moving forward. You might just help someone else get motivated and Get Out There!

Until next time 573, be happy, be healthy, be well!


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