With spring comes rain. Personally, I love the rain and rainy days. Without the rain, we would live in an ugly, dry desert. Here in the 573, we get the perfect amount of rain and sun, just enough to not take things for granted. Good friends are kind of like that too; and just like the rain, they are there to make things better. A good friend is a rainy day friend.

Rainy day friends are people who would risk everything, including personal discomfort, to ensure that you are okay. That’s a bit of a hard concept to take hold of, but all the same it is true. Rainy day friends are the ones who listen to us when life is difficult and remain faithful in friendship and relationships when the rest of the world turns its back. When something goes wrong and all the rats start jumping ship, you find out real quickly who your true friends, your rainy day friends, really are. I have been blessed with a few rainy day friends that have stuck with me through thick and thin. I only hope I get the chance to return the favor to them all.
...true rainy day friends.
Recently, I met two rainy day friends who happen to be identical twins. They are just like many other sisters on the planet: they fight sometimes, they have different interests, they like different foods, they have different friends , they even live with different parents. But one thing is very clear the minute you meet Mariah and Morgan: they are true rainy day friends.
573: Mariah, tell us about Morgan.

Morgan is shy and loves to buy make-up. Morgan is my best friend. Even if we are mad at each other I always know she will still support me and be by my side no matter what. And Morgan knows I will stand up for her.
573: Morgan, tell us about Mariah.

Mariah is out-going. Mariah is awesome at braiding hair. I wish I could do it. I love Mariah, and she is my best friend. I know I can always count on her when I need her. I can get mad at Mariah but no one else can.
573: Mariah, what's it like being a twin?
Sometimes we are compared to each other and I don’t like that. I like my own style. I like to be known as “Mariah” not “the twin.” Morgan likes to dress alike and I don’t; although I do like for people to know that we are twins.

573: Morgan, what's it like being a twin?
I do like to dress alike and I do like to be known as a twin. We are unique and have something special. We both enjoy being on the golf team. We are always in competition at school...who is smarter, who is prettier. I know that sounds weird to others but we don’t think we look like each other.