I am always curious as to why some communities can produce so many talented young people, some of which go onto big things. Artists, singers, designers… After some 20 years of living in the area, I’ve discovered that it has a lot to do with the support they get. Some small towns are focused inward, and others embrace outward influences, which inspire young people with hope and opportunity. Some towns understand it's way better to have 100 small organic events each year than one big one. Small events do not drain the town's resources, and they keep the town on the tourist's radar. And most importantly, towns with open minds give people the go-ahead with their dream events.
573 Magazine has watched Perryville grow into a powerhouse town that got out of the way of people's passions. Today, on any given weekend in Perryville, there will be one or two or even four small events that are almost always wonderful. From foodie events to music events to car shows to film festivals… the town leaders of Perryville understand that by embracing outward influences instead of trying to control everything, Perryville has opened itself up to passion, which is the key to growth and success. Recently, we met up with a couple who live in Perryville to tell us why Perryville is so great and also about their upcoming event, which THEY created—Rocktoberfest. Meet Stan Denninger 2nd and Rebekak Roth, our latest 573 Superheroes.

Stan Denninger 2nd and Rebekak Roth our latest 573 Superheroes.
My name is Rebekak Roth. Stan Denninger 2nd is from Kaskaskia, and I’m from San Diego. We own the Guitar Shop in Perryville. We met through music at one of Stan’s shows, and it’s a huge part of our lives. Together, we have raised four children and have two beautiful granddaughters.

We own the Guitar Shop in Perryville.
My dad played guitar, and my mom played the bongos. They would travel around and play uplifting songs around the country. Stan is from a very musical family as well. Stan has played in many local /regional Bands and is a super talented guitarist. He grew up learning from the people around him and played in bands such as The Tungsten Groove and The Deuce Denninger Band.

Stan is a super talented guitarist.

Stan and I then opened the store in Perryville and began offering music lessons in 2012.

Stan has been heavily influenced by guitar great Jimmy Hendrix.

Stan came up with and held the first Rocktoberfest in 2013...
Stan started Hopi Productions in 2008 as a live and studio audio production facility helping young artists record their music and get it to market. Stan and I then opened the store in Perryville and began offering music lessons in 2012. Stan came up with and held the first Rocktoberfest in 2013, and people loved the idea. As we picked up more and more students, Dennie Hogenmiller and Jimmy Brotherton joined our team to work with our students—it’s been a wonderful experience.

Stan and Rebekak are what they call in the business "a hoot".

This year's Rocktoberfest (Oct 5th) is packed full of new and seasoned talent.

Perryville is a great place to live and work. The small-town morals and sense of community are contagious. Years ago, the Downtown Revitalization had an idea to support local businesses in the square and create events on the square to draw people from around the region. Between the support of the city administration and the Downtown Revitalization (which is made up of local business owners), we have continued to watch these events grow. As a community, we love sharing what our little town has to offer. This also started with Perry County EDA with TIF grants. Once we revitalized our downtown, they joined forces with the Downtown Revitalization Committee and the City of Perryville. The city came up with a budget to hire a tourism director. The collaboration of city officials, citizens, and local businesses has helped create these wonderful events. We want people to “Plant Their Family Here.” By providing opportunities for people to come to many events instead of one or two a year, the effort has helped the community grow in a positive manner. The city of Perryville, with the support of local business owners' ideas for events as well as embracing outside events, has helped create this unique experience.

By providing opportunities for people to come to many events instead of one or two a year, the effort has helped the community grow in a positive manner.

Today The Guitar Shop offers music lessons, repairs and studio recording...
Today, The Guitar Shop offers music lessons, repairs, and studio recording—the operation keeps us hopping for sure. This year's Rocktoberfest Music Festival (Oct 5th) is packed full of new and seasoned talent. We start with our students, the Hopi Lane Players, on the Main Stage at 5:30. At 7:00, we open all stages full of music. The Warehouse 99.3 Stage with Kirby Ray and the Brass and Bone acoustic stage. We will also have the Poor House and Kohfeld. And this year, Rocktoberfest is in conjunction with the downtown car show Cruisin and all of this is a FREE family friendly event.
For more details on this event CLICK HERE.

The open-mindedness of Perryville shows throughout the region! Their efforts have made the downtown area impressive and refreshing! The community supports new ideas while not forgetting the importance of family and community. Again I say to you, GET OUT THERE! Do something. Do anything. Stop making excuses. Crawl out of that sunken sofa and get your tail in gear.
Pics, words & video by the Supreme Leader of 573 Magazine.

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