Christmas is a magical season. It has an extraordinary ability to transport your thoughts through time. Precious memories of loved ones, or thoughts of the future, and changes you want for the New Year or how your family might grow before the next Christmas Season. Christmas truly does represent your past, present, and future.

The spirit of Christmas is illustrated in countless stories from the birth of Jesus Christ to Santa Claus and his eight reindeer, but none more so than Charles Dickens’ novel, A Christmas Carol. In the story, a mean and greedy businessman named Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by three spirits—The Ghost of Christmas Past, The Ghost of Christmas Present, and The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.

The Ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge to several stops in the past reminding him of all the wonderful people he met in life. From his dear sister to his first employer who treated him like a son to his beloved fiance Belle he turned his back on.

The Ghost of Christmas Present takes Mr. Scrooge to a Christmas party where Tiny Tim, a boy who is seriously ill is celebrating in spite of his illness. It is there Scrooge is informed of the family’s need for money to save Tiny Tim’s life.

The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come takes Scrooge to a funeral in the future where the only reason they showed up was to get a free meal. No one there cares at all about the dead man—it’s Scrooge. It ends in a nightmare.
the human spirit has been restored
When Scrooge awakes the following day his faith in love, joy, kindness, charity, and the human spirit has been restored and he sets out to make things right with the people around him—the true meaning of Christmas.
Savannah and Sage

Back in 2009, 573 Magazine met an amazing single working mom named Lisa with an adorable set of twin girls, Savannah and Sage. Almost four years old and full of curiosity, the girls had a blast doing a children's fashion editorial, and the following year, they were featured in a Christmas cover story—back when there was such a thing as a cover.

In the magazine editorial, Santa’s Little Helpers, identical twins Sage and Savannah did their first fashion shoot for a children’s custom fashions designer. Baby, it was cold outside! Frosted windows, icicles, and hints of snow conjured up visions of the holiday season – visions like Santa’s elves working feverishly in their North Pole workshop. We shot at the Long-Banta House, located in Potosi. It was built in 1865 by James Long, who was fundamental in establishing one of the first banks in Potosi.

In the story, we learned that Savannah and Sage would just be turning four-years-old at the time of the shoot. They loved to play dress up in grandma's closet, so the modeling gig was right up their alley. And just a few days before the shoot, they took scissors to each of their hair cutting off their long golden locks—it was funny. It was either each other or that poor Barbie.

Savannah was into Snow White and The Little Mermaid. She loved all colors but her favorite was pink. Sage was into unicorns and The Little Mermaid. They are both outdoor girls and loved to help Grandpa feed the cows and their horse, Sugar.
...a sort of twin telepathy.
Their mother, Lisa, tells us they are always finishing each other’s sentences. “It almost seems at times that they can read each other’s mind. It’s fun to sit and watch them; they can play and do activities with very few words.”

It's said that twins share a kind of paranormal connection -- a sort of twin telepathy. There are reports of twins feeling each other's pain, finishing each other's sentences, and identifying each other's thoughts. Despite the lack of scientific proof that twins do possess some sort of telepathy, these personal experiences are hard to deny. And if nothing else, the twins were a hoot to shoot.
...blast from the 573 past.
Flash forward to 2020… Time for a Christmas Fashion shoot. We needed clothes. Luckily we had found just the place while window shopping not too long ago. Aesthete Luxury Boutique on Main Street in Downtown Cape is absolutely amazing!

With an awe-inspiring collection of unique high fashion resale merchandise you won’t find anywhere else around here, we knew we found something special. So of course, we did what we always do when we get inspired by a shop overflowing with sophisticated style...find the right model or models we should say.

And low and behold, we found some that just happened to be a blast from the 573 past. Sage and Savannah, now going on 15 were happy to come and strut their stuff in the high fashion threads selected by Aesthete.

The girls have grown. Coming into their own, they’ve developed some wonderful personalities. Courteous and respectful, intelligent, kind, and oh so fierce—Savannah and Sage have become amazing young ladies!

The shoot went off without a hitch. Jamie Davis, the owner of Aesthete was pulling out all the stops with outfit after outfit. Girls tried on dozens of looks to find the perfect style and fit for each concept. Jamie has impeccable taste, timeless style, and warm hospitality you can only find here in the 573.

We had a blast doing their hair and makeup and then off they went with the photographer to make some magic. Lisa, the girls' mom was a big help assisting the photographer. The streets in downtown Cape were all lit up and we made good use of the colorful lighting. The shoot was a success!

2020, was a strange year for us all—we get it. But we at 573 Magazine are hopeful for the future. We know there are great opportunities for us all out there. Sure you are going to come across a Scrooge or two in your life, just walk around them and keep moving forward. It is your life and your holiday season, don’t let anyone get in between you and your happiness.

“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The spirits of all three shall strive within me.” -Ebenezer Scrooge

There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared: Twins.
Savannah Today
Savannah loves to cook, she will bake all day, she has thought about becoming a chef. But her love for kids makes her think she wants to do something with children. Her Grandma owns a daycare and she loves to help her with the kids. Savannah has done six years of dance and two years of gymnastics. She is very athletic and can’t wait to try out pole vaulting during track this season.

“The Christmas lights were very pretty. I’m thankful for the experience and had a lot of fun. Everyone was very nice.“ -Savannah
Sage Today
Sage loves animals and has thought about being a vet. But here recently she is really into photography and fashion. She will pick out outfits for Savannah and the makeup she wants her to do and photograph her in different poses. She is learning about lighting and shadowing in photos right now. Sage also danced for six years and was all-conference for her school cross country team this season. She’s on the basketball team and will run track this spring with hopes of doing the long jump.

“The fashion shoot was a lot of fun and a great experience. I learned a lot of poses and ticks by watching the photographer and having him direct me.” -Sage
Special 573 Thanks
Jamie at Aesthete Luxury Boutique
Sage & Savannah - models
Lisa - Shoot assistant
Written by AJ Koehler
Pics by T. Smugala